This was a fabulous combination of challenging and fun for me to create. I started out wanting to learn how to use some synthesizers and a four track recording device to create a single song yet ended up going in other directions. In the process I have had many trials, errors and some success with recording different sounds. I am starting to understand what it takes to capture more quality sounds and will continue researching microphones and different ways to record. Since this project I feel I have a much better understanding of all the steps and the work that goes into making audio. There are many ways to process sounds once a recorded file is opened in a DAW (digital audio workstation) . Learning synthesizers at the same time has helped me understand the language of audio mixing. I can play with the high pass and low pass filters on a synthesizer and than know what it may sound like tweaking those filter levels on a recording. Learning the four track really helped me grasp gain staging better. Gain staging is a crucial step to do before hitting any record button to ensure the audio isn’t going to be too loud and clip or give feedback. So many little details but they all work together to ensure a better outcome than just clicking the record and saying done.
Project sound collage